Tuesday, January 09, 2007

where is the nightlife in paris?

According to Reuters, MySpace opened up their French language website which is a little late. Skyblog has 7 million visitors per month in November compared to MySpace's 1.3 million visitors. Like the U.S. counterpart, MySpace France seems to be the hotbed for DJs, clubbers, and nightclubs as they market themselves to the masses through social networking.

In fact, my friends and I discovered our Thursday night plans through MySpace. As the current exchange rate is not in favor of the American dollar, we looked for nice clubs that did not charge 20 Euros for cover. We found the Erasmus Event at Club Mix on MySpace. After viewing several of the posted videos and the numerous "friends" the club had, we decided to give this place a shot. In addition, the videos and friends hinted the young crowd like us. No cover for foreigners (male or female) is always a good deal for any study abroad student. Another plus was that it had maps to give us directions from our dorm, and we found to our liking that this club is not too far.

When we got there, we were definitely pleasantly surprised. Nice big spaces with lots of light, LCD screens, etc. Granted we got there a little early, but the place was crazy 10 minutes before midnight. (Free cover is only before midnight.) We met a lot of international students who are studying in France, and they were around our age. It was interesting to see the kind of phones they had. Most had at least Nokia (not surprised..) handsets equipped with cameras and texting capabilities. As the music inside the club was so loud, many international students used their texting apps to communicate between people at the club. One person we met downloaded a photo of his home flag because he didn't know its English counterpart.

Overall, it was an interesting and fun experience to see how language barriers and sound constraints are overcome among international students.


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