Friday, October 06, 2006

YouTube + Powerpoint = Slideshare

So what would happen if you mix YouTube and Powerpoint together? Ta-Da! Slideshare. Slideshrae is a service that lets you upload Powerpoint or Openoffice presentations and view them on the web. This way, the presentation has a permanent URL for viewing which is much easier than sending the presentation to many users at once.

There is another web service called S5 that is a slide show format based on entirely on XHTML, JavaScript, and CSS. The advantage of Slideshare is that most office workers are vehemently loyal to PowerPoint, so slideshare is an easy way to upload powerpoint presentations online instead of coding it using the above. There are some other perks as well, according to Download Squad. You can tag the files, and viewers can leave comments. Each slide has its own permanent URL for reference. Slideshare is also simpler than its Webex competitors.

Disadvantages? Well the file limit is 20 mb. There is no sharing or security options (so screw the office workers anyway). The original presentation file cannot be downloaded from the web. Slideshare states that it will add these features in future upgrades.

Currently, Slideshare is by invitation only. I've asked for an invitation, so hopefully I can try it out. Thanks to Download Squad for the information.


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