Monday, November 06, 2006

while in philly

So... I took the mylo to the City of Brotherly Love. Alas, it was pretty disappointing. Although the hotel claims to be wireless, I can only get access in the lobby. So my plans for domination in a committee were thwarted as I did not have access to the information that I needed online on my Mylo. Set-up in different locations is pretty easy, as the device picks up any wi-fi access point. Too bad Philadelphia is not entirely wireless yet.

Nonetheless, I did get a lot of "Oohs" and "Ahs" from the team. The design for this device received thumbs up, as it was a very cute device. One of my techie guy friends comments, "This device is for girls. My fingers are too big. Not only that, you need nails to hit the keys." Then I realized that this was true as I typed much better and more accurately with my long fingernails than with my fingers.

Otherwise, it seems like that I was better off with a phone with the same capabilities and would be much better with an AOL instant messenger client. I searched for a way to install an AIM client on this device but failed miserably. I wish I had friends with Yahoo! Messenger and Google Talk because it would be so cool to actually make full use of the What's Up application.

This brings me to another point. Some companies are coming out with this really cool phones that are dual sliders (i.e. LG SH100, Nokia N95). One side slides out a QWERTY keyboard, and another side is for music buttons or actual phone keypad. There are rumors that Helio will come out with a dual slider very soon.

Verdict with Mylo... It needs phone capabilities. I can't deal with not being connected 100% of the time because the signal dies. (At most I was connected 60% while I was on campus.)
Also, I hate reauthenticating myself on campus when the device puts the signal on standby to save battery.. Also, it's nearly useless when you travel (besides watching video and music). Even with that, loading up content is kinda tedious.


At 6:40 PM, Blogger Varun said...

Heads up that the N95 does not have a keyboard. You're thinking of the E70 and it's successors.


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