Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Need for visual voicemail (especially if you don’t understand French commands)

I got my first voicemail messages while on my trip to Reims this past weekend. I have already figured out how to set up my greetings and my four-digit code. Here is the hard part. How do I actually check my voicemail? After several haphazard attempts to decipher French commands and code, I thought about whether there would be a better way to check voicemail. Knowing who called and when they left the message would help immensely as I sift through my voicemail. This would even help if I'm in the United States where checking voicemail counts towards your minutes if you call during the day time.

Apparently such applications exist. Citrix has a program called Visual Voicemail that allows you to view the phone numbers and names (if available) of people who left voicemail in a screen. Apple's IPhone seems to have a similar application as well. I would love to test such an application on my phone here in France.

Tomorrow when my bandwidth is better, I will check it out. Stay tuned.


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