Monday, March 19, 2007

parisians could be a little cold.. but maybe Peuplade will help

It was really hard to meet Parisians while I was in Paris for the past 3 months. In fact, I technically have not met an actual Parisian. Most French people that I have met or have talked to were students who did not live in Paris since childhood. Unless you count the random French male that I met in Dublin who happened to live an hour's drive away from Paris, then I really did not meet any Parisians at all.

I've observed this for awhile too. Parisians are wary of outsiders. I do not accuse them of being discriminatory as I do understand the fear of being exposed to foreign ideas and cultures. Parisians are in their own worlds and seem to be very involved with themselves and their immediate social circles. They tend to be perceived as cold people; however, they are warm and friendly to the people that they do care about.

Of course, if every Parisian was mistrustful like that, it could be very hard to meet your neighbors next door. This is where Peuplade comes in. This allows one to meet a person that you would otherwise never meet due to different ages and social backgrounds. The profile page does not include age, sex, or occupation. In fact, the profile page asks you questions in order to show the world what kind of personality you have. Your profile picture is not your photo but a reflection of you. Users are able to meet each other in cyber cafes and to discuss common interests. If they are comfortable with each other, they can arrange to meet in person.

It's a pretty simple idea for a social network; however, this social network iterates the significance of user-created content. People only flock to networks because there is useful information on these networks. To Peuplade users, the important information is about personality rather than demographics.


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