Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Facebook to go public?

So remember when Facebook used to be an exclusive network for elitist schools? According to the Website Services Magazine, Facebook soon have plans to go public and brawl it out with MySpace. I always wondered why we had the option of joining networks by location (country, state, city). Well it looks like Facebook will use this option to let other people join the network. Accessibility will remain the same in Facebook as viewers will only be allowed to view public profiles of people in their specific network.

What does this mean for advertisers? Well, it means a lot as now advertisers can reach a new segment (albeit a pretty large one). Also, Facebook offers local advertising.

What about the users? Well, I can sense some grumbling from the majority of the users as facebook users are much more concerned about privacy than MySpace users. If Facebook keeps the same accessibility options, I don't see why users can be so angry. On the other hand, seeing the Facebook users' reaction toward mini-feeds and news feeds, the result is unknown.


At 12:17 PM, Blogger Koh said...

Haha... I agree with your sentiments. I think social networking is one of those necessary evils where we feel obligated to check it every hour.

Of course, it's interesting to see the network effects involved. I wouldn't be on facebook if it wasn't for the fact that everyone I know is on facebook.


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