Monday, November 13, 2006

My love/hate relationship with Facebook

I know that I had to stay away from personal things while writing this social networking blog, but something personal came up last night that solidified the fact that I have a love/hate relationship with Facebook.

As much as I value Facebook's ability to keep me in touch with old friends from high school, there are points where sometimes I would rather find out about some things from a person rather than a social networking site. As much the site is a great social tool to get friends together for fun gatherings, parties, and events, the last thing I wanted to find out from Facebook is that an old friend from high school passed away from Hodgkin's disease.

I remember seeing photos of him randomly last year. Despite the pale skin and bones, he still had that radiant smile that melt anyone's heart. Honestly, he was one of the nicest people I have ever met and had the pleasure to know. I still remember our short days with the Brighton track team, and our get-togethers in student council meetings. All the times we made fun of each other during the annual homecoming on whose float/mural/school spirit is better.

All I know is that he would not want anyone to dwell on his past memory but to continue to live on. Whenever I think of him, I'll definitely smile in hopes that he is in a better place.


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