Thursday, February 15, 2007

valentine's day was not a big deal in paris... but

As being a citizen in Paris means that you relive romance every day, it's definitely apparent that Valentine's Day is not a big deal. I don't see the random hearts of red and cupids everywhere like in the United States (or in Belgium), but it was cute to see couples share their love discreetly last Wednesday.

It's cute to see couples texting each other, playing games with each other on mobile phones, and listening to their favorite music with the same earphones through their mobile phones. It actually makes me really jealous and wish I have my own significant other with me listening to music on the metro.

You see a lot of texting in Europe even on St. Valentine's Day. People setting up dates and get-togethers through texting. I even found myself in the texting group as I buy 50 new text messages every week instead of call time.

I wish I can read a cute message on my phone. :P


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