how do you "doo" your job search?
Several days ago, my friend has invited me to a job searching network called Doostang. As 70% of jobs are filled through referrals, Doostang's network allows you immediate access to people and opportunities that are relevant and from your trusted network.Although this network depends on user-driven content, there are other features as well. Doostang has internal people that try to bring users the most sought after career opportunities. Users can create group and forums with members from your specific network. There is a "Job Matcher" function that allows you to search for relevant career opportunities. In addition, you can store an unlimited number of resumes in your account. (This is actually a big plus because our school's career network allows us to store a limited amount.) Doostang membership is free so that you can keep in touch with your network.
There are currently 102,000+ members with 21,000+ members that are affiliated with the University of Chicago. Why is that number so huge? This network was started by students from MIT and Stanford, so I'm not surprised that the top schools got first taste of this network. (Remember Facebook's initial launch.) As the network is relatively new (some of the first forum posts are in early march), there has not been much activity in the forums.
Nonetheless, the number of job posts are incredible. Although the list is dominated by finance and consulting industries, there is a significant presence by other industries (i.e. consumer products, technology, etc) with some international positions as well. I wish it was a little easier to search for users as searching for "university of chicago" does not give you the most relevant results.
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